MeVille to WeVille In Stock Now

The only literacy and communication program uniquely designed to include assistive technology tools in each lesson.
MEville to WEville is an emergent literacy and communication program aligned to state, alternate, Common Core State Standards, Common Core Essential Elements, and NCSC Core Connectors. The program was developed for students with severe disabilities who need a starting place to develop emerging literacy skills. The appropriately paced lessons and assistive technology strategies were specifically incorporated into the curriculum to meet the unique needs of these students. An experiential approach to instruction in which each lesson provides instruction and experiences in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The literacy strategies within the program support interaction with text for learning concepts of print skills as students learn the purpose of words and illustrations and what they mean. In addition, lessons include strategies and practices taught in general education literacy classrooms, so students are engaging in similar types of literacy activities as their peers presented at their level of understanding.

  • MEville to WEville curriculum teachers guide with over 200 lessons
  • 45 pre-printed vocabulary cards
  • 3 elementary-themed books and 3 secondary-themed books uniquely written to support vocabulary and lessons
  • All 6 companion books provide rich text and opportunities for discussion about topics such as friendship, family support, differences, learning to cope with feelings, working together, and many more.
  • QuickTalker 7 communication device with overlays for every lesson
  • TalkingBrix, a quick-ready communication device for reading and matching words, matching letter sounds and rhyming words, and sounding out words.
  • Hitch 2.0, a computer switch interface, for access to the themed books on a computer or interactive whiteboard
  • 2-Jelly Bean switches for use with the Hitch